

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

أين صوت الشباب اليمني الغائب؟

تعبنا حزبية وتعبنا طائفية وتعبنا قبلية وتعبنا مناطقية... نريد يمن واحد يجمع الكل من جميع الطوائف والأحزاب, نريد ان نرى بلادنا اليمن من احدى الدول المتطورة عالمياً ونريد ان نرى الشباب هم عماد هذ الوطن. لقد أصبح من المُلاحظ انة لا توجد اي كلمة مسموعة للشباب الأن فنرى ان هناك من يقوم باضطهاد مجموعات من الشباب كرئيس جامعة مثلاً. فلو كان للشباب كلمة مسموعة لما وصلوا الى هذا الحد ولكن سيكونون من يتخذ القرارت بعقول واعية ومتحضرة وبأعين ثاقبة الى المستقبل. لقد كنت سعيداً عندما رأيت مجموعات من الشباب تجمعت للدفاع عن حقوق الوطن وضد الفساد والظلم والجهل, ولكن سعادتي لم تدم فما أن تكاثروا هؤلاء الشباب الحر الواعي حتي بدأت الحزبية اللعينة تدخل عليهم الى ان طغت وأصبحت مجموعة احزاب تتفق فى هدف ولكن تتباين فى المئات. فنحن لا نزال نرى ان قدرة الشباب المستقل لا تزال ضعيفة في ضل وجود اعدام لأفكار ومواهب الشباب الحر وتحزب الكثير من الشباب الأخرين تحت مظلة العصبية والمناطقية. فلا بد ان يكون للشباب وجود ثابت كجبال اليمن يمتد من الشرق الى الغرب ومن الشمال الى الجنوب بعيداً عن قيود القبلية والمناطقية يجمعهم ديننا الأسلام ومصلحة الوطن.
انة لمن المحزن ان نرى بلادنا ذات التاريخ الأصيل والتي كانت احدى اعظم بلدان الأرض تتدهور بهذة الطريقة وتصبح من البلدان المتخلفة وذات الأرقام القياسية فى الفقر والجهل وكل ماهو سلبي. نعيش متعلقين بأصالة تاريخنا للهروب من حاضرنا والذي يجب ان يكون بنفس جودة الماضي لنعطي ابناءنا واحفادنا مجد يفتخرون بة. كنا نحكم الجزيرة وأصبحنا نُحكم من دول مجاورة ليأخذوا اراضينا و يُهينوا ابناءنا فى اراضينا المسلوبة. صار اليمني الذي كان عَلم فى العِلم والبصيرة يبحث عن لقمة العيش فى دول لم تكن ألا مسكونة بالرياح والأشجار عندما كنا نحكم الأرض وصرنا ممنوعين من دخول بلدان تُنسب انها عربية فقط لكوننا نحمل الجنسية اليمنية.
 فهل هذا وضعنا المفترض؟ وهل هذا قدرنا؟ وهل يجب ان نستمر بالعيش هكذا؟ سنقولها لا وألف لا, سنعيدك يا وطننا الى مجدك 
.المفترض ونبنيك الى اعالي القمم لتكون شامخاً كما هي عادتك

.......لن نظل خنعاء للأبد 

صوت احد الشباب اليمني الحر من مدينة سام الغراء 
أحمد الشامي 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Types of trainees that may cause a problem to a trainer

Through reading and experiencing different types of training sessions, there are many problems that may face trainers. Some of these problems refer to the trainer’s knowledge and experience in conducting training sessions. This type of problems can be solved by reading, attending training courses, or as time goes by while the trainer familiarize his/her self with conducting training sessions. However, it is believed that the hardest problem is the one that comes from the trainees themselves which may hamper the progress of training. This problem arises from the behavior and personality of trainees where there are different types of trainees and each one would behave in different way that the trainer can find some are hard to deal with during the session. Here I discuss some of those types and how can we deal with them to end up with fruitful outcomes in the training session. In my view of point, these types are categorized into the following:
  1. Introverted participant:  this type of trainees tends to be shy and not participating in the session. This may refer to less of confidence, arrogance, get bored, or difficulty to understand. The trainer can deal with this type by paying extra attention like asking them a question, keep an eye contact with them, encourage them once they participate in any point, or divide the time of participation among all trainees.
  2.   Talkative participant: this type tends to participate a lot which is a good sign of trainees but it would take the time of others who also need to participate. Therefore, the best way to deal with this type is to involve others in his/her discussion. If this method does not work then the trainer need to speak out with all participants about the time limit for each one to discuss. This can be done in indirect way such as looking at your watch while this participant dwells in elaboration
  3. Participants that interrupt the session: this type of trainees may talk in unrelated subject during the session such as talking among each other. The best method to handle this situation is to keep passing by these trainees to make them feel that this behavior is not acceptable in the session. If this way does not work then the trainer has to remind all participants with the rules of the training session while he/she is looking at this trainee.
  4. Argumentive  type: this type likes to argue in discussion that may refer to individuals who have strong personality or arrogance. The trainer has to deal carefully with these participants because they may have great ideas that would benefit the goal of training. Therefore, trainer must observe these ideas and figure out the bright side.  Besides that, trainer has always to discuss and not argue. If these ways do not work, trainer can quit the discussion with this participant by saying “this is your opinion, let us hear from others”.
  5.   Destruction criticism: this type may not merely be a problem to the trainer but they also can de-motivate other trainees by criticizing parts of the training. Therefore, trainer has to be  a bit strict in this situation to stop this behavior by dominating the session. Trainer can give a chance to this participant to criticize but there should be limits and strong reply to either convince him/her or stop these ideas that may de-motivate other trainees.
  6.  Participants who keep joking: It is cool to make some jokes during a training session but that does not mean to turn the whole session into jokes and fun. This type of participants keeps making jokes until other trainees may stop being serious with the session. Therefore, trainer has to deal carefully with such behavior by showing this person that this behavior is not acceptable or even ask him/her to stop that.
  7. Knowledgeable participant: this type does not consider as a problem to the trainer but the existence of this person among other trainees who have less knowledge may affect their progress. In some cases, such a trainee may put the trainer in an embarrassing situation where he/she can ask a question that is not known the trainer. Therefore, the best way to deal with this is to admit to this person that he/she knows well but others have to learn too. So, others can get a benefit from this participant’s knowledge by involving him to teach others during workgroups.